Exploring the word as image and the image as word, Graham Gillmore’s work balances between treacherous antipodes: pathos and wit, defiance and charm, and more basically, the anguish of experience and the rapture of its aesthetic expression. The twisting knife of a smartass remark, the threatening anonymity of a clinical evaluation, and the famous-last-words potential of pillow talk are articulated in his oeuvre with a chromaticism their ruthlessness seems to beg. Employing puns and punch lines both lewd and mawkish, and referencing cliches, board games, rebuses, barroom banter, and graffiti, his paintings are by subtle turns playful, earnest, and caustic. At times surrounded by bubbles that are interlinked via intestinal networks of lines, the letters and syllables he depicts take on lives of their own, as though reverberating in the mind suggestively, or suspiciously, connoting an overwhelming variety of possible meanings that appear to jostle for recognition. Expressive of a charged synthesis between distinct types of mark- letter and stroke- his works appear as the visual equivalents of utterances, whether poignant or pointed… or of how we receive and interpret these. Many paintings seem to emphasize tone ( as it denotes both voice and color ), implying at once the intensity of the experience a given message or phrase insinuates, and the private stamina required to endure its meaning on the one hand, or its ambiguity on the other. Thus while rage, disgust and disillusionment seem to propel it, his art is also tempered by a humor that is all the more expansive, even forgiving for this, and which acts as the grace note essential to beauty.
Visually, Gillmore’s paintings vacillate between a sleek neon intensity bordering on the lurid, and a bumbling home spun quality recalling a troubled adolescent’s secret notebook. At times broadcasting the artificial vibrancy of candy or cosmetics, his palette suggests how the moth might see the flame. The quasi-confessional quality of certain paintings, meanwhile, intimates any urban sophisticate’s biography, suggesting the universality of both our humiliations and our kneejerk laughter at those of others. With that intinctual excoriation turned on himself, it appears that the artist achieves a pervasive sympathy with the human quandary, one that in its lacerating irony is all the more sincere.
-Thomas Breidenbach
Gillmore lived in New York for over 25 years and has positioned himself internationally. His reputation extends across Canada, the United States and in Europe with recent exhibitions held in Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico City, San Francisco, New York, Miami Beach, Madrid and Berlin. Earlier exhibitions include “Learn to Read” at the TATE Modern alongside John Baldessari and Carol Bove. His work is collected by the Museum of Modern Art, New York, Audain Art Museum, British Columbia, the Ghent Museum, Belgium, Gian Enzo Sperone, Rome, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto, RCA Records, New York, The Royal Bank of Canada, The Bank of Montreal, The Vancouver Art Gallery, and numerous other institutions and private collections worldwide. He has been featured in publications such as Canadian Art, Border Crossings, W Magazine, Art News, ArtForum, L.A. Weekly, C Magazine, and the New York Times Magazine.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2024, I Talk To Myself Because I Listen, General Hardware, Toronto ON
2023 Transient Resident, Jochen Hempel, Leipzig, Germany
2022 - Arts Umbrella Splash 2022 Auction, Vancouver BC
2022 - Unfounded Objects, Monte Clark, Vancouver BC
2021 - 2022 - Oceanica, General Hardware Contemporary, Toronto ON
2021 - The End of Eloquence, General Hardware Contemporary, Toronto ON
2018 - Selfless Help Books, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2016 - Mastery of Life, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2014 - Great Expectations, Division Gallery, Toronto ON
2013 - Lov Sic, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2013 - Sketch Book Drawings: A Twenty Year Survey, Fred Dorfman Projects, New York NY
2013 - I Love You, In Theory, Touchstone Nelson Museum of Art and History, Nelson BC
2013 - Submersions, Gallery 16, San Francisco CA
2012 - Willing to Learn, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2011 - Expectations, Monte Clark Gallery, Toronto ON
2011 - La practica de la textulldad, Galeria OMR, Mexico City
2010 - The Winner Often Wept and was Kissed by the Loser, Galeria OMR, Mexico City
2010 - So The Band Broke Up and it Looks Like We Will Never Play Again, Monte Clark Gallery, Toronto ON
2009 - Refusalon, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2009 - Drop Dead, Gorgeous, Mike Weiss Gallery, New York NY
2008 - Galería Fúcares, Madrid
2007 - Cattleships and Bruisers, Vanina Holasek Gallery, New York NY
2007 - It’s Over You Win, Kevin Bruk Gallery, Miami Beach FL
2007 - Monte Clark Gallery,Toronto ON
2006 - Misguided by Invoices, Pierogi, Leitzig Germany
2006 - Galeria OMR, Mexico City
2006 - Galeria Cardi, Milan IT
2006 - Kidder Smith, Boston MA
2006 - Linc Art, San Francisco CA
2005 - Winlaw / The Lost Works, Monte Clark Gallery, Toronto ON
2004 - Ploy, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2004 - Sperone, Rome IT
2003 - Monte Clark Gallery,Toronto ON
2003 - ConTEMPorary, New York NY
2003 - LINCREALART,San Fran, CA
2003 - Kidder Smith, Boston MA
2003 - Galeria OMR, Mexico City
2002 - One Hundred Aker Woody, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2002 - Galería Fúcares, Madrid
2002 - Mary Boone Gallery,New York NY
2001 - Galeria Cardi, Milan
2001 - Dogen Haus, Leipsig Germany
2000 - Nicolo Sprovieri, London UK
1999 - Not Finished, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1999 - Finishes I’ve Never Booked, Linda Kirkland Gallery, New York NY
1998 - My Influenza, Gian Enzo Sperone Gallery, Rome, Italy
1998 - Growth Stunts, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1998 - Paintings, Linda Kirkland Gallery, New York NY
1996 - Hi Infidelity, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1995 - You Ruined Me With Your Experiments, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1994 - Spleen, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1994 - Breeders, White Columns Gallery, New York NY
Selected Group Exhibitions
2019 - Basel Miami Art Fair, Pierogi Gallery, Miami FL
2019 - Armory Art Fair,Pierogi Gallery, New York, NY
2018 - Untitled Art Fair, Pierogi Gallery, Miami Beach, FL
2014 - Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2014 - Out of Sight: New Acquisitions, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC
2014 - TOWER, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2014 - Homecoming, Division Gallery, Toronto ON
2014 - Group show, Jochen Hempel Gallery, Leipzig
2014 - Pierogi XX: Twentieth Anniversary Exhibition, Pierogi Brooklyn NY
2013 - Joe Amrhein, Reed Anderson, Graham Gillmore, Ati Mair, Jochen Hempel Gallery, Berlin
2013 - Shape Shifter, Division Gallery, Toronto ON
2013 - The Myth of the Given, Ashok Jain Gallery, New York NY
2013 - The Painting Project, A Shapshot of Painting in Canada, Galerie l’QAM, University of Quebec, Montreal QC
2012 - 20 YEARS, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2012 - Text as Image, Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York NY
2011 - Shore, Forest and Beyond, Art from the Audain Collection,Vancouver Art Gallery BC
2010 - Six Degrees of Separation: A New Generation of Canadian Artists, Claire Oliver Gallery, NY
2010 - Reality Check, Monte Clark Gallery, Toronto ON
2010 - PASTED, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2009 - Assembly, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver, BC
2009 - Clark & Faria Presents:, Clark & Faria, Toronto ON
2008 - Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection Museum of Modern Art, New York NY
2007 - Learn to Read, Tate Modern, London, England
2006 - Painting Show, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
2003 - Futura Bold, Vancouver BC
2003 - Perogi, Brooklyn NY
2003 - Baechler-Colson-Gillmore, Galeria Cardi, Milan
2001 - Galería Fúcares, Almagro Spain
2001 - Ironical Instinct, Galleria Cardi, Milan Italy
2001 - Arte Americana, Ultimo Decennio, Ravenna Italy
2001 - Da Warhol 2000 – 35 Anni di Mostre fra Europa e America, Gian Enzo Sperone, Torino, Italy
2001 - New Words, Sprovieri Gallery, London, England
2000 - Full Serve, Kenny Schachter/Rove, New York NY
2000 - Pink, Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco CA
1998 - Cinco Continentas a Una Ciudad, International Salon of Painting, Mexico City
1998 - Tongues and Ashes, Kitchener-Waterloo Gallery, Kitchener ON
1998 - Les Peintures, Galerie René Blouin / Galerie Lilian Rodriguez, Montreal, QC
1998 - Futura Bold, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver BC
1998 - The High Life, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1998 - Refusalon Gallery, San Francisco CA
1998 - Whose Words, Dorsky Gallery, New York, NY (curated by Debra Bricker Balken)
1998 - Cambio, New York, Sandra Gering Gallery, New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1998 - Cambio, Mexico City, OMR Gallery, Mexico City
1998 - Pop Surrealism, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Aldrich CT
1998 - South Carolina Museum
1998 - Adopt A Highway, Dogenhaus Gallerie, Leipsig Germany
1998 - Group Show, Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto ON
1998 - Group Show, Catherine Clark Gallery, San Francisco CA
1997 - Greg Kucera Gallery, Seattle WA
1997 - Lombard Fried Gallery, New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1997 - Below the Border / Above the Border, Catharine Clark Gallery, San Francisco CA
1997 - Canadian Artists in the Big Apple, New York NY (curated by Glen Cumming)
1996 - Sex, Drugs and Explosives, London ArtForms, London England (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1996 - Temps Perdu, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1996 - Taking Stock, 25 Broad Street New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1996 - Lombard Fried Gallery, New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1996 - Facing the Millennium; The Song Remains The Same, Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington TX (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1996 - X – Sightings, Anderson Gallery, Buffalo NY
1996 - Field Days, Cerulean Embankments, Geoffery Young Gallery, Great Barrington MA
1996 - Refusalon Gallery, San Francisco CA (curated by B. Geoffery Young)
1995 - The Beauty Salon, Barbara Braathen Gallery, New York NY
1995 - OY!, 121 Greene Street, New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1995 - Group Show, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1995 - Geoffrey Young Gallery, Great Barrington MA
1995 - Way Cool, Exit Art/The First World, New York NY
1995 - High Anxiety, New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1995 - Group Show, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver BC
1995 - High Anxiety, 66 Crosby St., New York NY (curated by Kenny Schachter)
1995 - David Greenberg and Diego Cortez Present…, Taste Venue, New York NY
1994 - Update, White Columns Gallery, New York NY
1994 - The Entropy Show, 510 Gallery, New York NY
1994 - Group Show, Pat Hearn Gallery, New York NY
1994 - Group Show, Geoffrey Young Gallery, Barrington MA
1993 - For Sale, Flamingo East, New York NY
1993 - Urban Analysis, Barbara Braathen Gallery, New York NY
1992 - Soup to Nuts; Popart, its legacy in the age of consumption, Works Festival, Alberta College of Art, Edmonton AB
1991 - Lyrical Uses of Beauty, White Columns Gallery, New York NY
1990 - Art LA/90, (Diane Farris Gallery), Los Angeles CA
1990 - Artropolis ‘90, The Roundhouse, Vancouvers BC
1990 - Group Show, Bess Cutler Gallery, New York NY
1989 - Phrenology, The Art Gallery, New York NY
1989 - Gillmore, Grossman, Root, 49th. Parallel, New York NY
1989 - 4th International Triennial of Drawing, Kunsthalle, Nuremberg, West Germany
1988 - London Life Young Contemporaries, London Regional Art Gallery, London ON (toured nationally throughout 1988)
1987 - Art Cologne 87, (Diane Farris Gallery), Cologne, West Germany
1987 - Vancouver Painters, Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary AB
1986 - West Coast Painting: New Directions, Canada House, London, England
1986 - Four Vancouver Young Romantic Painters, Canadian Cultural Centre, Paris, France
1986 - Vancouver Now, Walter Phillips Gallery Banff V / London Regional Gallery, London ON / The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg MB
1986 - Gillmore, Root, Totino, Diane Farris Gallery, Vancouver BC
1985 - The Young Romantics, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC
1985 - Canadian Painters, Thomas Barry Fine Arts, Minneapolis, MN
1985 - Drawing Show, Pitt International Galleries, Vancouver BC
1985 - Futura Bold, Pitt International Galleries, Vancouver BC
1984 - Warehouse Show,Vancouver BC
Selected Bibliography
2017 — Meet our Artists, Audain Art Museum, September 2 2017 (talk)
2014 — Moe, Karen. “Excavations, A Feminist Resistance Artist Dialogues with
Graham Gillmore’s Lov Sic” Border Crossings Magazine, Vol 33 no 4 December
2012 — Corsano, Ortino. “Graham Gillmore” ArtUS
2011 — Rhodes, Richard. “Family Matters” Canadian Art Online, August
2010 — Wiener, Mike and DiGusta, Linda. “The Commonwealth Strikes Back – New
Canadian Art in Chelsea” The Huffington Post, October 14
2009 — Canadian Art Online, “Graham Gillmore: Rejection Letters Redux”
2007 — Graham Gillmore, with text by Douglas Coupland, Monte Clark Gallery
2004 — Breidenbach, Tom. “Graham Gillmore: Review of Kenny Schachter
ConTEMPorary show” Artforum, February
2004 — Henderson, Lee. “Gillmore’s Ploy Tremendous” The Vancouver Sun, March
2003 — Adler, Dan. “Graham Gillmore” Artforum, March pg. 371
2003 — Balzer, David. “Language Arts” Eye.net, November
2003 — Henderson, Lee. “Gut Instinct” Toro Magazine, Winter
2003 — Henderson, Lee. “Graham Gillmore” Contemporary Magazine, No. 58
2003 — Dault, Gary Michael. “Seduced by Gillmore’s Cheeky Word-Paintings” The
Globe & Mail, November
2003 — Osbourne, Catherine. “Mars – Venus Painting” The National Post,
December 13
2000 — Turner, Grady. “Beautiful Dreamers, Emerging American Painters, Circa
2000” Flash Art, January / February
1999 — “Gillmore’s ideas evolve in works that are never really finished” The
Vancouver Sun, April 19
1998 — Pincione, Tomasso. “My Influenza”, exhibition catalogue, Gian Enzo
Sperone Gallery, Rome IT
1998 — Balken, Debra Bricker. “Graham Gillmore and Kenneth Goldsmith: Whose
Words?” exhibition catalogue, Dorsky Gallery, New York NY
1998 — MacKay, Gillian. “Graham Gillmore, Carter Kuster and Medrie MacPhee at
Pari Nadimi Gallery” The Globe and Mail, March 14
1998 — Klein, Richard. “The Popular Corpse: A Brief History” Pop Surrealism,
exhibition catalogue, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Aldrich, CT
1997 — Laurence, Robin. “Deep Down Under”, Canadian Art, Winter
1997 — Rosenberg, Ann and Maria Porges. Below the Border / Above the Border,
exhibition catalogue, Monte Clark Gallery, Vancouver; Catherine Clark Gallery, San
1996 — Barrett, David. “Sex and Drugs and Explosives” Art Monthly
1996 — Thomas, Katrin. “The Do-It-Yourself Dealers” The New York Times
Magazine, September 1
1996 — Gustafson, Paula. “Painter Exploits Texts and Tension” The Georgia
Straight, December 28
1995 — Frank, Peter. “L.A. International: Canadian and French Artists”, L.A. Weekly,
August 18
1995 — Absolut L.A. International Biennial Invitational, exhibition catalogue, Monte
Clark Gallery, Los Angeles, pp. 69
1995 — “Spleen”, Parachute, Issue 77
1995 — Scott, Michael. “Paint By Letter” The Vancouver Sun, December 21
1995 — Paris Review, Illustration, Summer, 135
1995 — “Manhattan galleries vie for work of young artist” The Vancouver Sun,
November 16
1991 — Rosenberg, Ann, “Saturday Review” The Vancouver Sun, June 1
1988 — Grace, Sherrill. “Painting on the Edge, 1987” American Book Review, Spring
1987 — Godfrey, Stephen. “Hits and Misses on the West Coast Scene” The Globe
and Mail, April 18
1987 — Godfrey, Elizabeth. The Vancouver Sun, February
1987 — “Drawings” The Vancouver Sun, February
1986 — Thomas, Gilda. “Four Young Painters of Vancouver” Vie Des Arts,
1986 — Canada Today, “New Era of Painting on Show at Canada House”
November, No. 13
1985 — “Review of The Young Romantics” The Globe and Mail, August
1985 — Watson, Scott. “Flesh and Void” C Magazine, Spring
1985 — Templeman-Kluit, Anne. “The Young Romantics” Vancouver Magazine,
1985 — Johnson, Eve. “Painting Wild and Noisy” The Vancouver Sun, December 13